
We aren’t all moving in the same direction. Sometimes we strictly follow the paths we are destined for. Sometimes we meander in our own way and on our own time. Let’s explore the ways that these different paths can create beauty.


The title feature of Adherence controls how obediently each of the streamers follow their curated path and whether they die off when destined. While each mint will have a default level of adherence, everyone will be able to see what their piece would look like at all other levels of obedience.

You might prefer to live life conservatively doing everything that is expected of you…but then you’ll be surprised at what joy and beauty can come from a rebellious spirit.


I’ve been a very active collector on fx(hash) since the earliest days of the platform in November 2021. Adherence is my opportunity to provide my own contributions to this amazing community.

  • 386 tokens

    I believe the code could support up to 1000 items, but as an unestablished artist, I have decided to error on the side of being extra conservative to ensure this project has the best opportunity to sell out.

    It does make me a little sad to think that there could be some interesting combination of features that won’t be seen by chance, but I do believe that 386 provides enough chance to see just about everything.

  • 1.75 tz

    I’ll be honest. I think this is too low. But, I recognize that I’m new to this and my primary goal is to get this project completely minted for a full showcase of its potential.

    I may update this to be a Dutch Auction, but it will still be very cheap, even at the highest level.

  • This project is definitely not a lesson in artistic restraint. It has been very exciting for me to grow this project along with my learnings. I’ve spent 6 months building, adding, cutting, and tweaking. All of this wrestling has left an embarrassingly mangled code base. That said, I truly believe the diversity of the output-space is worth it.

    During development, I encountered some very severe roadblocks, some of which I felt I might never be able to resolve. One in particular, related to ensuring this project is dimensionless, actually brought me to tears once I finally worked through it. Similarly, there were a fair number of major leaps that took just a few minutes from concept to implementation.

    My objective for my next project will be to bring more restraint…for the sake of my sanity if nothing else. It might take me just as long to complete and I expect that it will be a far smaller release, but I’ll still put just as much care into making sure I deliver a quality project for anyone willing to mint.

  • I won’t be obscuring my code. Anyone is free to use browser dev tools to look and learn to their heart’s content.

    Be ye forewarned, though. It’s not pretty. I started out well enough, but little tweaks here and there to play and expand on the project has resulted in a code base I might be a little embarrassed about.

    But, that’s OK! We are all in this together and maybe this will be a way of helping others not feel intimidated by a sense of perfection. I have included fairly verbose comments too as added commentary to my insanity.

Project Details

As a collector, there are a few key considerations that are almost always important for me when deciding to mint from a project.

  • Adherence - (3 possibilities)
    Curated Flow - (10 possibilities)
    Background Type - (2 possibilities)
    Color Palette - (32 possibilities)
    Color Rule - (2 possibilities)
    Margin Type - (4 possibilities)
    Plop Type - (5 possibilities)
    Stream Weight - (4 possibilities)
    Max Age - (5 possibilities)
    Stream Style - (2 possibilities)

    Special Feature - Perfect - (3 possibilities)
    Special Feature - Age Disparity - (2 possibilities)
    Special Feature - Color Type - (3 possibilities)

  • I love to be able to interact with the NFTs that I own. I have attempted to provide enough functionality that will support anyone who would like to do the same with this project.

    - You’ll be able to save at higher resolutions as well as remove certain elements of your mint to suit your needs.
    - You’ll be able to see an overlay of all of your mint’s features and properties.
    - There are even two “experimental”, infinite-animation display options included for fun!

  • I have tested on Mac, Windows, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


A Simple Fail